Customer Wars (2022)

Customer Wars (2022) : 2x12

Don't Mess With Grandma Min.
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In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, tempers flare during a flight's deboarding process as an impulsive passenger attempts to force his way down the aisle. In Cherry Hill, New Jersey, a mall-goer's unique outlook on life stuns the man interviewing him. In Everett, Washington, three men attempting to rob a cannabis shop are met with an extremely effective deterrent. In England, a mother-daughter duo is shocked by their extreme eyebrow treatments. Tensions reach a boiling point in a San Francisco, California restaurant when a dissatisfied customer hurls a bottle of hand sanitizer toward a mother and child. A 25-person brawl erupts at a superstore in St. Louis, Missouri. A drive thru customer in Elkhart, Indiana, gets a huge surprise in his takeout bag.